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Public Speaking & Outreach

I have shared insights from my work in many different forms and fora over the years, from lecturing at “Folkeuniversitetet” (the Folk University) to speaking in parliament, and even once exhibited my work as an art exhibition. 

Speaking at the Nordic Bridge Event, Budapest, Hungary (2021)

Speaking at the Nordic Bridge Event, Budapest, Hungary (2021)

Public Speaking

I have presented my work, especially on social trust (“Nordic trust exceptionalism”), at a number of International and national fora and events, including: 


In addition, I have also presented my work to private companies interested in the role of trust in their work.  


If you have an event for which my work on trust (or other topics) might be relevant, do contact me to see if I can contribute. 

Art Exhibition Based On My Research

I engaged in a more unconventional form of outreach, when my work on Danes self-perceived neighborhoods was transformed into a small art installation at the Danish Architecture Center (DAC). 

Image from art exhibition of my work on Danes’ self-perceived neighborhoods at the Danish Architecture Center

Image from art exhibition of my work on Danes’ self-perceived neighborhoods at the Danish Architecture Center


I have previously used my expertise in survey design to provide feedback on surveys designed by public agencies. Do get in touch if you think I can be of help with a survey/and questionnaire you are designing.

Policy Reports And Shorter Writings (In Danish)

In addition to public speaking, I have also disseminated my work to a broader public through policy reports and shorter chapters in Danish. These include: 

  • Dinesen, P. T., Hjorth, F., Sønderskov K. M., and Larsen, M. V. (2019). “Lokale boligpriser påvirker dit kryds til valget.” Report. Kraks Fond Byforskning. 

  • Larsen, M. V., Hjorth, F., Dinesen, P. T., and Sønderskov K. M. (2019). “Når lokaløkonomien bliver politisk: Borgerne belønner regeringen for stigende huspriser.” Pp. 16-20 in Grøn, C. H. (Ed.). Politologisk Årbog 2018-2019. Hans Reitzels Forlag. 

  • Dinesen, P. T., and Greve-Poulsen, K. (2019). “Interview med Özlem Cekic om dialogkaffe, brobygning og politisk polarisering i Danmark.” Økonomi & Politik, 92(3), p. 94-99. 

  • Dinesen, P. T., Hansen, B. T., Østergaard, S. D., and Sønderskov K. M. (2017). ”Grænseoverskridende terror: 9/11-angrebene forårsagede psykisk sygdom i Danmark.” Pp. 28-31 in Grøn, C. H, and Jensen, C. (Eds.). Politologisk Årbog 2016-2017. Hans Reitzels Forlag. 

  • Dinesen, P. T., and Sønderskov, K. M. (2015). “Truer etnisk diversitet i nabolaget danskerens tillid til andre mennesker?” Pp. 98-101 in Jensen, C. (Ed.). Politologisk Årbog 2014-2015. Hans Reitzels Forlag. 

  • Dinesen, P. T. (2013). “Hvor kommer den sociale tillid fra? Ny viden fra indvandring.” Pp. 66-68 in Jensen, C. (Ed.). Politologisk Årbog 2012-2013. Hans Reitzels Forlag. 

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